  • PMV


    PMV Series precision metering valves provide optimum resolution and linearity for control and adjustment of flow settings.

  • I-Flow


    The i-flowTMseries integrated flow control is designed as an all in one closed loop flow control system. Fast, repeatable and accurate flow control in a compact package. The i-flowTM is ideal for blending, dispensing or metering of DI water and aggressive aqueous media. Using dual diaphragms and PTFE, TFM and PFA materials of construction, the i-flowTM provides protection for ultra pure process applications.Flow ranges: .4-4 l/min., 2-20 l/min. in H20

  • Auto Valve

    Auto Valve

    AutoValve proportional control valve provides unparalleled accuracy in the control of critical process flows. This valve is ideal for a variety of applications such as chemical blending and dispensing or DI water quick rinse metering.

    Auto Valve